General in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

...I got a song i'm working on stuck in my damn head and it's not even fully done yet. XD


Just listening to metallica while animating shrek flying airforce one. Life is Good.

ClickTheButton is finally out


now people can make fun of how cringe and nerdy a PowerPoint game is :)

#PowerPoint #ClickTheButton

The build has been updated today. Far too many patch notes to mention; new sounds, new animations, balance changes, UI adjustments, more content and of course, QOL changes to make your experience even better overall!


For day 467 of coding, I have fixed the scoreboard. Now I need to later fix the results display for the split hand

How the fuck is it nearly May Already?!

Ugh, time is just flying ;^;

I'm at least doing some things though and came up with some new ideas ~

Sad side; i'm stuck with not making new art for some time and doing mental health stuff T^T

hi after tomorrow there will be "something special" coming out! (for my time zone)

Hey friends, i put out another video on Youtube recently! It's about this old janky engine i used to work with many many moons ago. Kinda going through its features and some games made with it. Fun stuff.

the worst game engine you've never heard of - 3D Rad
Aging game developer who never made it big walks down memory lane.WISHLIST TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING:
NOW THIS IS BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL ONE...| Sonic Battle HD... ft My little brother
Like the button if you have a father.....#Sonic #SonicBattle #Fangames #Irunfasterthanyou #alsoyourmother

Day 3 of converting a 3.5 Godot project into Godot 4.2

Guess I gotta make a new model and reimport it lmao

Could totally pass as the game's antagonist